Bebe Zeva is probably the coolest 17-year-old you’ll ever meet. A former “I Am Carles” model, she blogs from her not-so-small town of Las Vegas. In a world where thousands of teenage girls cry for attention on their own personal style blogs, the attention comes naturally to Bebe. Her style is truly unique, and she’s been featured in Nylon, Elle, and Seventeen. In January, a documentary, Bebe Zeva, about her life, premiered in Soho. In my exclusive interview with Bebe, she talks about her visit to NYC, comparisons to Tavi Gevinson, and why she doesn’t like to be called a “fashion” blogger.
ML: Was January your first time in NYC? How did you like it?
BZ: It certainly was my first time and it couldn't have been any more perfect. The street grafitti was more beautiful than any art gallery Las Vegas lamely boasts, the architecture was industrially majestic, the people were all parading around to the beat of their own drums, all of which coalesced into a symphony for city-livin. I have my heart set on moving to Williamsburg by this time next year.
ML: Favorite designer/place to shop?
BZ: With the exception of thrift stores, I don't shop at all! Almost all of my clothing was handed down to me from my mom's 1990s wardrobe. And I'm first to admit that I don't know much about designers or fashion in general, really. That's why I identify as a 'style blogger' and not a 'fashion blogger'. I blog about my style because it's the only thing I know.
ML: What do you think about the comparisons to Tavi Gevinson?
BZ: Flattering beyond human comprehension. Tavi is my favorite fashion blogger and fueled my entire fascination with the witch aesthetic. She makes it look vogue, despite it being so inherently organic and anti-fashion.
ML: I've seen your Formspring... Do people really hate you that much? If so, why do you think that is?
BZ: I don't think people on my formspring really "hate" me, I think they're jealous of my success, and I'm not just saying that to play it cool. I used to check the formsprings of girls I envied and analyze every one of their answers with an evil eye. I later realized that I didn't hate any of them at all, I was simply angry because they were getting more attention than I was at the time. Everyone wants the spotlight on them, so when someone else gets it, they automatically become the villain.
ML: You've been featured in Nylon, Elle, and Seventeen... What has been the most exciting experience? What magazine do you dream of being featured in someday?
BZ: Each of my experiences contained its own supreme level of excitement; with Seventeen, I was featured in print, so millions of girls with subscriptions ended up seeing my face (including the girls at my high school who at one point wouldn't give me the time of day.) With Nylon, I was able to visit the NYC headquarters and vibe off the energy of a magazine in the making. With Elle, it was a complete surprise!! I only found out about it through my google alerts. It would be a pleasure to be featured in print for Nylon Magazine, since it's my all-time favorite. I also relish the thought of a feature in Teen Vogue, which is quite a stretch, but miracles happen all the time!
Bebe Zeva can be found online through her Blog, Twitter, and Formspring.
(As seen on JoonBug Las Vegas)
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